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【exposure@网站小助手】:今天助手分享的内容是——exposure是什么意思中文翻译exposure,意思,中文,翻译,exposure,意思,,,,将详细内容整理如下: 每日一词 121 | exposure
每日一词 121 | exposure

每日一词 121 | exposure

1. 这是个什么词?


英英释义:the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life, etc

例句:His business trip to the US in 1995 gave Jack Ma early exposure to the Internet.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“exposure”是不可数名词,有“揭发、暴露、照片曝光、报道”等意思。除此之外,它还有个非常常见、地道、好用的用法:表示“体验、接触”。作这个意思讲,它后面一般接介词 to, 也就是 exposure to something。我们来看几个例句。

比如,马云是在 1995 年去美国出差时最早接触到互联网,就可以说:

His business trip to the US in 1995 gave Jack Ma early exposure to the Internet.


Many Nordics speak good English because of their exposure to English-language movies and TV shows from an early age.


Grammar is the foundation of English proficiency. There’s just no way around it. For a student whose English is a second language, he or she has to master the rules and know when to break them. It takes time and exposure.


另外,exposure 的动词形式是 expose,上面的几个例句也可以用 expose 改写。比如第一个有关马云的例句还可以写成:

Jack Ma was first exposed to the Internet when he took a business trip to the US in 1999.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?

a. [搭配]ADJ.

brief 短暂的接触

greater 更多的接触



give sb 使某人接触

get, have 获得体验

increase 增加接触

c. [搭配]PREP.

~ to 接触…:

giving children greater exposure to other cultures 让孩子更多地接触其它文化。



(参考翻译:The visit to Germany gave her exposure to the language. 或 It is the tour of Germany that gave her exposure to German.)



造句:Traveling abroad gives us greater exposure to the other culture. 


造句:Living in rural areas that are relatively remote, these children have little exposure to the new technologies. 

例句:  Or when you learn a new language through exposure and context.当你学习一门新语言 通过接触和制造环境来达到学习效果。

Sometimes it can be from outside one's own experience, from exposure to other walks of life, or other art forms that can open a person's eyes and inspire them to that point.



关于exposure的中文翻译如下: n.暴露;接触;挨冻;受寒;亮相;公开露面;揭露;揭穿;揭发;朝向;方位;景观;曝露面;露头;坡向;曝光;底片;胶片;曝光量;曝光时间; comp.曝光的 同义词: publicity;unmasking;position;surface;act;area 双语例句: 1、 The group's leader died of exposure.这个组的组长冻死了。 2、 Although deeply shamed by his exposure, he bounced back.尽管被曝光后倍感羞耻,他还是重新振作了起来。 3、The bedroom has a southern exposure.这间卧室朝南。 4、He had been deafened by prolonged exposure to the noise of the guns firing.长时间听着枪声使他双耳失聪。 5、 He died as a result of exposure.他被冻死了。 6、Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.持续暴露在强度高于80分贝的噪声中可能有害。 7、I threatened them with public exposure.我扬言要公开揭发他们。 固定搭配: exposure time曝光时间、sun exposure日照



exposure意思是面临、揭露等,单词详细介绍如下: 1、基本释义:面临,遭受危险或不快,揭露,在电视报纸等上的亮相,被报道,挨冻,照一张照片的软片,底片,胶片,曝光时间,暴露。 2、使用:prolonged exposure to harmful radiation.长时间接触有害辐射。He was suffering from exposure and shock but his condition was said to be stable.他被冻伤了,而且出现了休克,但是据说情况稳定。All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.所有人都在电视和报刊上亮相。 3、造句:Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them.较大的图画往往需要两三张胶片才能拍下来。In photography, the exposure is the amount of light that is allowed to enter a camera when taking a photograph.A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night.三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。