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rendezvous,美 ['rɑndeɪ.vu];英 ['rɒndɪvuː],n.约会;约会地点;聚会处,v.相会。 双语例句: 1、Of the major requirements, only a rendezvous propulsion system was not on hand. 除了一个会合推进系统外,其他主要装置都可采用现成的。 2、I may be able to arrange a rendezvous at these coordinates. 我也许可以安排在那个坐标会合。 3、He failed to keep a rendezvous after sensing a police trap 他察觉到警方设了圈套以后就没有如约会面。 4、I had almost decided to keep my rendezvous with Tony. 我差不多已经决定如约和托尼见面了。 5、It was the first occasion when they had both found it possible to keep a rendezvous. 他们两人都能赴约,这还是头一遭。 6、The plan was to rendezvous with him on Sunday afternoon 计划在周日下午和他会面。 7、She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards. 她想知道之后他们要去哪里约会。



rendezvous 英 [ˈrɒndɪvuː] 美 [ˈrɑːndɪvuː] vi. 会合;(在约定的时间和地点)会面,相会,集合 n. 约会;约会地点;(酒吧等)热门聚会场所,聚会处 第三人称单数: rendezvouses复数: rendezvous现在分词: rendezvousing过去式: rendezvoused过去分词: rendezvoused Of the major requirements, only a rendezvous propulsion system was not on hand. 除了一个会合推进系统外,其他主要装置都可采用现成的。 I may be able to arrange a rendezvous at these coordinates. 我也许可以安排在那个坐标会合。