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Iron Maiden的《Trooper》 歌词
Iron Maiden的《Trooper》 歌词

Iron Maiden的《Trooper》 歌词

歌曲名:Trooper 歌手:Iron Maiden 专辑:Best Of The Beast Iron Maiden - The Trooper You'll take my life but I'll take yours too You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through So when you're waiting for the next attack You'd better stand there's no turning back. The Bugle sounds and the charge begins But on this battlefield no one wins The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath As I plunge on into certain death. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh The horse he sweats with fear we break to run The mighty roar of the Russian guns And as we race towards the human wall The screams of pain as my comrades fall. We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground And the Russians fire another round We get so near yet so far away We won't live to fight another day. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh We get so close near enough to fight When a Russian gets me in his sights He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow A burst of rounds take my horse below. And as I lay there gazing at the sky My body's numb and my throat is dry And as I lay forgotten and alone Without a tear I draw my parting groan. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh http://music.baidu.com/song/55101127

Iron Maiden的《Futureal》 歌词

Iron Maiden的《Futureal》 歌词

歌曲名:Futureal 歌手:Iron Maiden 专辑:Ed Hunter Jackie Boyz - Future Would you believe me if I told ya (T-told ya) (Oh) That I could see into the future (F-future) (Oh) I'm not the type to feed you lies (No) As I tell you the truth, faith has brought me to you. (Oh, I) I'm your future, I came from a thousand light-years away. Girl I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place. You've been lost in the past, I'm here to find you. So baby hold on, let me take you back to your future. (Oh, oh oh. To your future, oh oh oh) Back to your future. How come we never met before (Oh) But it seems like I've known you forever. It went right when you said 'Hello' Could be a moment of history, the making of you and me (Oh) Take a trip through time girl, I can show you what you're missing. Girl I can fly away, leaving it all behind baby. I'm your future, I came from a thousand light-years away. Girl I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place. You've been lost in the past, I'm here to find you. So baby hold on, let me take you back to your future. (I'm your future I came from a thousand light-years away) (I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place.) (I'm your future I came from a thousand light-years away) (I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place.) Take a trip through time girl, I can show you what you're missing. Girl I can fly away, lets leave it all behind baby. I'm your future, I came from a thousand light-years away. Girl I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place. You've been lost in the past, I'm here to find you. So baby hold on, let me take you back to your future. I'm your future, I came from a thousand light-years away. Girl I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place. You've been lost in the past, I'm here to find you. So baby hold on, let me take you back to your future. (I'm your future I came from a thousand light-years away) (I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place.) (I'm your future I came from a thousand light-years away) (I'm your future, here to take you far away from this place.) Back to your future.. http://music.baidu.com/song/3491626



iron的英语意思:铁 英[ˈaɪən] 美[ˈaɪərn] 释义: n. 熨斗;烙铁;坚强 vt. 熨;用铁铸成 adj. 铁的;残酷的;刚强的 vi. 熨衣;烫平 n. (Iron)人名;(英)艾恩 例句: Most factories have undertaken foreign iron processing. 大部分工厂都承接了国外的铁材料加工工作。 变形: 过去式ironed 过去分词ironed 现在分词ironing 第三人称单数irons 复数irons 例句 1.Most factories have undertaken foreign iron processing. 大部分工厂都承接了国外的铁材料加工工作。 iron的意思是: 作名词时意为“熨斗;烙铁;坚强,人名;(英)艾恩”; 作形容词时意为“铁的;残酷的;刚强的”; 作及物动词时意为“熨;用铁铸成”; 作不及物动词时意为“熨衣;烫平”; 单词发音:英[ˈaɪən],美[ˈaɪərn] 扩展资料: 短语搭配 iron Maiden铁娘子 ; 铁处女 ; 铁娘子乐团 ; 铁娘子乐队 wrought iron[材]熟铁 ; 锻铁 ; 铸铁 ; 焊接钢 iron sky钢铁苍穹 ; 钢铁天穹 ; 钢铁苍穹入侵 ; 铁幕苍穹 pig iron[材]生铁 ; 生铁块 ; 生铁锭 ; 生铁生铁锭 Iron grey[科技]铁灰色 ; 铁灰 ; 铁板色 ; 拿铁灰 waffle iron窝夫烘烤模 ; 对开式铁心 ; 配有专用烤盘 ; 烘烤模 Iron Hills铁丘陵 ; 及铁丘陵 Iron Ring工程师之戒 ; 生铁戒指 ; 铁圈



iron 铁 n. 铁;熨斗;铁器;金属工具;(尤指旧时的)镣铐;铁头球棒 v. (用熨斗)熨,烫平 adj. 坚强的;强硬坚定的 变形 名词 复数:irons 动词 第三人称单数:irons 现在分词:ironing 过去分词:ironed 过去式:ironed 1. She was known as the ‘ Iron Lady ’. 大家都称她为“铁娘子”。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 2. Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁和水及空气发生反应产生铁锈。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 3. We need to iron out the kinks in the new system. 我们需要理顺新制度中的一些问题。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 4. Can I use this plug for my iron? 我能用这个插座插一下熨斗吗? 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 5. I'll need to iron that dress before I can wear it. 我得先把那件连衣裙烫平再穿。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 6. Iron the garment on the reverse side. 这件衣服要从反面熨。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 7. This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. 这种熨斗如有工艺缺陷可保修一年。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 8. They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times. 他们已试着按铁器时代的样子重建这个小村落。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 9. I like listening to the radio when I'm doing the ironing. 我喜欢边熨衣服边听收音机。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 10. He smashed the window with an iron bar. 他用铁棒敲碎了窗户。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 11. The gates were made of wrought iron. 这些大门是用熟铁制成的。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 12. The ironing board folds flat for easy storage. 烫衣板能够折起来,便于存放。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 13. I meant to do the ironing but I didn't get round to it. 我本想熨衣服的,可就是抽不出时间。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 14. They struck a rich seam of iron ore. 他们开出一个富铁矿层。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 15. She slogged her way through four piles of ironing. 她辛辛苦苦一连熨了四堆衣服。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 16. The yard had been enclosed with iron railings. 院子用铁栅栏围了起来。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 17. He had fallen and been impaled on some iron railings. 他摔下去,穿在了铁栏杆上。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 18. He was ironing when I arrived. 我到的时候他正在熨衣服。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 19. I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 我把自己的连衣裙熨焦了。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 20. The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon and things like that 地球主要由铁、硅等物质构成。 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》