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倒立的英文为:Headstand;stand upside down。 翻译例句: 1、先倒立,接着后空翻。 The handstand was followed by a back flip. 2、她一脚倒立时,我抓住了她的脚踝。 I caught her ankles as she kicked into a handstand. 3、五分钟的手倒立是教武术初学者吃苦的项目之一。 A five-minute handstand is one of the hardships that teaches martial arts novices to eat bitterness. 4、五分钟的手倒立是教武术初学者吃苦的项目之一。 A five-minute handstand is one of the hardships that teaches martial arts novices to eat bitterness.



  倒立 ,如今在瑜伽中也是很常见的动作,最基本和最常见的是双手据地而立。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来倒立的英语知识,希望对大家有所帮助!   倒立的英语说法   handstand   headstand   stand upside down   倒立相关英语表达   倒立转体 handstand turn   倒立跳水 hand stand dive   倒立单摆 Inverted Pendulum   摆动倒立 handstand with swing   倒立的英语例句   1. I never learned the trick of standing on my head.   我没有学过头着地倒立的技艺.   2. The pagoda is reflected upside down in the water.   宝塔影子倒立在水里.   3. The little boy learned a stunt; he stands on his head.   小男孩学了一招, 他能倒立.   4. A, we saw an acrobat standing on his head.   我们看见一个杂技演员以头倒立.   5. Inverted pendulum system is multivariable, nonlinear, strong - coupling and instability naturally.   倒立摆系统是一个典型的多变数 、 线性 、 耦合和快速运动的自然不稳定系统.   6. The handstand group gives up the contest because of the training fatigue.   倒立组却因为厌倦而放弃比赛.   7. Simulation results for the application in inverted pendulum validate this control algorithm.   在倒立摆系统中应用的模拟结果验证了该方法的有效性.   8. Parallel triple inverted - pendulum system is a high - order nonlinear large scale interrelated System.   三并联耦合倒立摆系统是一种高阶的非线性关联大系统.   9. In return for this, beggar stood on his head and sang songs.   作为回报, 他用他的头倒立在地面上,还唱了几首小曲.   10. Just like the broom - stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system.   就好象扫帚柄, 一个倒立摆是一个天生的不稳定系统.   11. Pendulum is a unlinear, coupling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.   倒立摆系统是非线性 、 耦合 、 变数和自然不稳定的系统.   12. This paper constituted a suit of experiment system for double inverted pendulum.   建立了一套完整的二级倒立摆的实物系统.   13. One inverted, belly top, equestrian, scorpions crawling acrobatics is more realistic.   其中倒立 、 肚顶 、 马术 、 蝎子爬等杂技表演更为逼真.   14. Liz: Wow! He did a handstand reverse twist. Nice!   丽兹: 哇! 他做了一组倒立反身转体. 赞!   15. The iron croos and the handstand both require great strength.   字支撑和手倒立需要极大的力量.   关于倒立的英语趣闻:德国倒立咖啡馆走红社交网路   A new cafe in Germany has bee a social media star as everything is upside down.   德国一家新开的咖啡馆因为所有东西都是颠倒的而走红社交媒体。   The Toppels' roadside cafe in Wertheim opened earlier this year and it was an instant hit with tourists, who were unable to get their heads around the baffling layout.   位于韦尔特海姆路边的Toppels'咖啡馆于今年早些时候开业,立刻就受到了游客的追捧。咖啡馆迷惑人的布局让游客搞不清楚状况。   Outside, the house appears to be sitting on its roof, while a car hangs precariously parked at the top of the building.   从外面看,这座房子似乎以屋顶为立足点,一辆轿车摇摇欲坠地停在建筑顶端。   Meanwhile, inside the decor is even more confusing.   与此同时,屋内的布置更是令人困惑不已。   In the bathroom, the sink, toilet and bath are all topsy turvy.   盥洗室里的水池、马桶和浴缸全是颠倒的。   In the kitchen, a meal is laid out on the table, hanging from the roof.   在厨房里,摆着饭菜的桌子被挂在屋顶上。   The layout means that visitors can pose in the rooms for photos with their feet on the ground, but it appears in pictures like they are actually standing on the ceiling.   这种布局意味着,人们可以双脚站在地上在屋内摆拍,但在照片里他们看起来却像是站在天花板上。   Scores of selfie-loving visitors have been sharing the images shot in the cafe on sites like Instagram and Facebook.   许多热爱 *** 的游客纷纷在Instagram和脸书等网站上分享在这家咖啡馆拍的照片。 1.街舞双手倒立旋转技巧 2.怎么练倒立行走 3.一天倒立可以倒立多久 4.30的英文怎么写 5.捣蛋鬼用英语怎么说 6.马术的英文怎么说