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以下是该原著的英文简介: The son of a zookeeper, Pi Patel has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories. When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes. The ship sinks. Pi finds himself alone in a lifeboat, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and Richard Parker, a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi, whose fear, knowledge, and cunning allow him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days while lost at sea. When they finally reach the coast of Mexico, Richard Parker flees to the jungle, never to be seen again. The Japanese authorities who interrogate Pi refuse to believe his story and press him to tell them "the truth." After hours of coercion, Pi tells a second story, a story much less fantastical, much more conventional--but is it more true?



The son of a zookeeper, Pi Patel has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories. When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes.
The ship sinks. Pi finds himself alone in a lifeboat, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and Richard Parker, a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi, whose fear, knowledge, and cunning allow him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days while lost at sea. When they finally reach the coast of Mexico, Richard Parker flees to the jungle, never to be seen again. The Japanese authorities who interrogate Pi refuse to believe his story and press him to tell them "the truth." After hours of coercion, Pi tells a second story, a story much less fantastical, much more conventional--but is it more true?

A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor ... a fearsome Bengal tiger.



老友记作为一部风靡全球的美剧,它每一集都有大明星来客串,就让我们来介绍几个印象深刻的客串明星。 第一,波姬小丝。波姬小丝是这部电视剧里面客串的一个大明星,波姬小丝演的是一个神经质的女生,她在看到乔伊饰演的拉莫雷医生之后,于是认为这个医生是真实存在的人,因此找到了乔伊的住所,想要和乔伊认识。乔伊一看到她就坠入了爱河,因为她非常的美貌,于是两个人谈起了恋爱。但是在相处过程中,乔依才发现波姬小丝扮演的这个女生是一个神经病,所以乔伊最后和朋友们一起合伙把波姬小丝扮演的这个女生赶走了。波姬小丝在这里面的客串非常惊艳,当时她一场出场就引起了观众的欢呼,所以我们非常喜欢他的客串表演。因此,我们推荐的第一个客串的大明星就是波姬小丝。 第二,布拉德皮特。布拉德皮特也是这里的一个客串的大明星,当时他和詹妮弗安妮斯顿已经是夫妻了,所以他们在演戏的时候非常有趣,布拉德皮特扮演的是一个小时候被瑞秋欺负的男生,但是长大之后他减肥变帅了,所以产生了非常多的笑料。而且布拉德皮特扮演的这个男生和罗斯的感情也很好,他们甚至组成了一个联盟来反对瑞秋,谁能想到后面罗斯和瑞秋谈起了恋爱,所以在布拉德皮特扮演的角色把这个真相揭穿之后,瑞秋和俄罗斯之间也产生了一系列的矛盾,幸好最后他们都解决了。布拉德皮特在这里面扮演了一个非常搞笑的人物,让我们认识到了他不同的演技风格,所以他的客串也是非常经典的一场客串。因此,我们推荐的第二个客串的大明星就是布拉德皮特。



1、Robin Williams 罗宾·威廉姆斯 客串于第三季24集开头,那集讲的是Monica的土豪男友要参加UFC...想起都痛...Monica正要跟大伙讲土豪男友支票上写的所谓Ring Design,指的不是戒指,而是自由搏击的擂台(也叫Ring...),但是却看见 Robin Williams 和 Billy Crystal 饰演的 Tomas 和 Tim, Tomas操着一口疑似墨西哥口语跟老友 Tim 诉苦。 2、Bruce Willis 布鲁斯·威利斯 布鲁斯·威利斯在Friends第六季第21集首次出现,饰演的是罗斯禁忌之恋学生Elizabeth的老爸。 3、Brad Pitt 布拉德·皮特 在第八季第9集,Brad Pitt饰演Ross高中好友,并参加主角们的Thanks Giving Dinner。 4、Julia Roberts 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 朱莉娅的客串出现在第二季13集,作为猴子Marcel参演电影《病毒肆掠曼哈顿》剧组的化妆师Susie Moss,同时也是Chandler的小学同学,因为以前被Chan-chan整过,所以色诱他然后让他裸身留在餐厅厕所作为报复... 5、Dakota Fanning 达科塔·范宁 在第十季14集,范宁饰演Chandler和Monica买下的房子主人的女儿~还被Joey询问职业规划的问题...