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  结帐亦作“ 结账 ”,泛指总结清算。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   结帐英语说法1:   check-out    结帐英语说法2:   reckoning    结帐的相关短语:   结帐分录 closing entries ; Closing entry   结帐日 day of reckoning ; account day ; balance sheet date ; CLOSING DAY   结帐经理 Cashier Manager   结帐流程 pleting the Accounting Cycle   自助结帐 Self-Checkout   结帐后 after closing   结帐余额 closing balance account   住客结帐 The Guest Pays His Bill   付费结帐 Paying the Check    结帐的英语例句:   1. The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts.   这家超大型连锁加油站有各种名牌食品 、 洁净的卫生间 、 友好的服务并且结帐迅速.   2. If only she could put off the hour of reckoning forever!   要是能够把结帐的时间永远推迟下去,那多好 啊 !   3. The department store closes the books on the 26 th of each month.   百货商店每月二十六日结帐.   4. Can I leave you to square up with the waiter?   我把跟服务员结帐的事交给你办行 吗 ?   5. The account is settled at the end of every year.   每年年底结帐.   6. Are you going to square up with the waiter?   你打算去跟服务员结帐 吗 ?   7. Mrs Hyde has checked out this morning.   海德夫人今天上午已经结帐走了.   8. It's time I squared up with you.   我该同你结帐了.   9. The shop balanced its accounts every month.   该店每月结帐.   10. He was unable to account for the deficit in the firm's bank balance.   他无法解释这家公司在银行结帐为什么会超支.   11. Postings on the room accounts are kept up - to - date in order to expedite the check - out procedure.   必须将顾客的住房帐目及时登记过帐,以便加快 结帐 手续.   12. I should manage to square accounts with bank before the end of this month.   我应设法在月底前与银行结帐.   13. Until closing, this account is classified as a contra account to Retained Earnings.   在结帐之前, 这一帐户一直作为“保留盈利”的备抵帐户.   14. I would like to check out.   我想结帐.   15. Is there any way we can let It'slide until then?   有没有可能让我住到那个时候再结帐?



结账的英文翻译为:settle accounts。 结账用英语可以说:settle account,settle 美 ['sɛtl]解决,定居,account美 [ə'kaʊnt] 账户;解释;账目,账单,我要结账用英语可以说:I want to settle my account,还有一个短语:pay one's bill 结账,I'd like to pay my bill now 我想现在结账。 双语例句 1、客人结账,出示优惠券时,请按优惠券使用条款而执行。When the customer settle accounts, please show the coupon and use them according to the regulations. 2、排在你之前的客人买了很多东西结账。The customer in front of you in line has so many items to check out. 3、在遍布日本的便利店中,收银员现在会询问顾客是否需要筷子,而不是默认情况下把它们塞进结账袋里。At the ubiquitous convenience stores throughout Japan, cashiers now ask if customers need chopsticks rather than sticking them into checkout bags by default. 4、检查一下你的结账漏斗,看看是否有什么地方令许多新客户放弃购物篮。Look at your checkout funnel, to see if there are any places where many new customers abandon their shopping cart.